September 27th

We’ve all heard about climate change. One reason scientists say our planet is heating up is because of the build-up in our atmosphere of carbon dioxide gas. How can you help TurfMutt battle this environmental villain, Carbon Creep? Plant some green!


Carbon Creep

Carbon Creep is an environmental villain.

Lawns pull carbon dioxide from the air and store it. In fact in the U.S. alone turfgrass grabs and stores more than eight million tons of carbon dioxide every year!

Trees help, too. Nationally, there are about 3.8 billion urban trees, and these trees are estimated to have a store carbon valued at over $14 billion. Urban trees also annually remove air pollution valued at $4 billion and remove carbon dioxide valued at around $460 million per year.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Download TurfMutt’s “Breath of Fresh Air” lesson plan for activities you can do with your family to learn more about air pollution and how you can help combat the problem of “Carbon Creep.”