September 24th

TurfMutt is lending a “paw” to support the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Center for Green Schools’ “Green Apple Day of Service.”

Green Apple Day of Service

TurfMutt is a Green Apple Day of Service supporter

The second annual Green Apple Day of Service is this Saturday, Sept. 28. It’s a day dedicated to fun, educational and environmental activities that engage kids in learning about their green space and the environment that surrounds them. Green Apple Day of Service gives parents, teachers, students, companies and local organizations the opportunity to transform all schools into healthy, safe and productive learning environments through local service projects.

TurfMutt asks participants, “How Green is Your Community?” by including a TurfMutt activity on the Green Apple Projects page.

It’s all part of TurfMutt’s ongoing partnership with The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the organization behind the Green Apple movement. The Center for Green Schools works to ensure that every student has the opportunity to attend a green school within this generation. The Center provides the resources and support to elevate dialogue, accelerate policy and institute innovation toward healthy, high-performing schools and campuses. The Center works directly with staff, teachers, faculty, students, administrators, elected officials and communities to drive the transformation of all schools into sustainable places to live and learn, work and play.

Are you participating in this year’s Green Apple Day of Service? Share your project details and pictures on TurfMutt’s Facebook page!