October 26th

As you’ve probably noticed, the TurfMutt website has gotten a makeover.

Check out the new TurfMutt webpage

It’s part of an effort by Discovery Education and the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute’s Education and Research Foundation to broaden TurfMutt’s outreach across the country. With TurfMutt’s help, kids from K-5 learn how things grow, the value of personal and community green space, and how to take care of outdoor places in a sustainable way.

Thanks to TurfMutt’s redesigned site families and teachers have access to turn-key educational resources at the click of a mouse.

  • The new Families page features family-focused activity guides on the value of backyards, parks, school yards and other community green spaces. It also offers tips on getting outside as a family.
  • Teachers can go to the Educators page for ideas on how to foster an appreciation of the environment and an interest in green space in their students. These outdoor-centric activities help children better understand the benefits of landscaping and recycling, as well as the importance of lawns, flowers, bushes and trees.
  • Our new Partners page recognizes all of the great companies that actively support the TurfMutt program. (Thanks, everyone!)

We hope you’ll spend some time exploring the new TurfMutt website, and that you’ll let us know what you think of it!